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All DORADO Parents are REQUIRED to Volunteer

DORADO meets are run by parent volunteers. Each DORADO FAMILY is EXPECTED to VOLUNTEER for at least 1 job for each swimmer on the team during the season. Below is the list of jobs from which parents can choose.  Most of the jobs are easy and training/instruction is provided.  Parents can sign up for meet jobs during registration or when declaring swimmers for meets.  Feel free to ask questions!!!  

  • MEET SET UP - help prepare the facility and set up meet equipment for HOME meets
  • MEET CLEAN UP/TEAR DOWN - help clean up the facility and put away meet equipment immediately after HOME meets
  • AWARDS – label ribbons during HOME meets
  • TIMERS – time the races at HOME and AWAY meets
  • BULLPEN WORKER – check in swimmers and line them up behind the blocks for races
  • ANNOUNCER – announce events during HOME meets
  • RUNNER – pick up/deliver time sheets to scorer’s table during HOME meets
  • MEET MANAGER – enter entry changes, times, and DQs into meet management software during HOME meets (advance training required)
  • OFFICIALS (Stroke/Turn Judges) – observe races for casual compliance during HOME and AWAY meets (advance training is required) 
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